
going to court
Understanding Preliminary Hearings in Colorado

Understanding Preliminary Hearings in Colorado: A Comprehensive Guide

When facing criminal charges in Colorado, navigating the legal system can be daunting. One of the crucial stages in this journey is the preliminary hearing. This page aims to demystify the process, shedding light on what a preliminary hearing in Colorado entails, its significance, and how a skilled Colorado criminal defense lawyer can significantly impact...
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Bail Bond office building

Out on Bond: Your Guide to Avoiding Jail Pre-Trial

Introduction Navigating the criminal justice system can be scary and confusing, especially if you’re facing charges and are currently out on bond. There’s a lot that the court assumes you already know, both things you are prohibited from doing and things that you are required to do. It’s important to understand your rights, responsibilities, and...
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Judge using gavel on bench.

Objection! How to make the other side follow the rules.

Both sides can call witnesses at hearings or trials. But witnesses aren’t allowed to say whatever they want, and some questions are not permitted by rule or law. Attorneys try to make the other side follow the rules by objecting to questions or answers. Then, it is up to the judge to decide what she...
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Judge using gavel on bench.

What happens at your first criminal court date?

When someone has been charged with a crime, they have a right to be informed of the nature of the charges against them.  In serious cases, They also have a right to an attorney and at every critical stage of their court case. But how do you know what you’ve been charged with and if...
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